2016 HTEC Americas CNC Educators Conference at CMCC a Big Success

Central Maine Community College (CMCC), in collaboration with the Haas Technical Education Center (HTEC) Network, hosted a national conference last week for manufacturing technology educators. Over 200 CNC (computer numeric control) precision machining instructors from across North America were on campus for the 10th Annual Americas CNC Educators HTEC Conference. Best CNC education practices, program building & innovation, attracting students, and developing employment opportunities were among the topics for workshops and breakout sessions. Highlighting the conference were keynote addresses by two nationally-known speakers: Titan Gilroy, the creator, star, and executive producer of the MAV-TV show Titan American Made; and Jeremy Bout, executive producer and host of the eduFACTOR productions Edge Factor/Edu Factor.
According to Bob Skodzinsky, manager of the HTEC Network at Haas Automation, machining programs in more than 1,800 schools utilize Haas equipment. The conference enabled instructors to network and to learn the latest trends in precision manufacturing. CMCC was considered an excellent site for the event in part because of the size and reputation of its precision machining program.
The Haas Technical Education Center Network is an industry & education led initiative that enables manufacturing technology educators and their schools to acquire the latest CNC machine tools and related CNC ancillary equipment, software and educational materials.
Caption 1: Some of the instructors gathered in Kirk Hall. Participants came from as far away as California and parts of Canada.
Caption 2: Conference attendees enjoying lunch in the Kirk Hall gym, which also served as the exhibitors hall.
Caption 3: Keynote speaker Titan Gilroy speaks with some instructors after his speech.
Caption 4: A “gear guitar” was on display in the exhibitors hall.