CMCC Announces Fall 2023 Dean’s List Honors

January 4, 2024

Central Maine Community College recognizes 734 students for achieving Dean’s List honors in the Fall 2023 semester. Students on the President’s List earned a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.9 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). High Honors denote a minimum GPA of 3.6 and honors recognizes those with a minimum GPA of 3.3.  All students who have achieved academic honors are listed below.

President’s Honors

Hayelom Abraham Lewiston ME
Adreanna Adams Norway ME
Madelyn Adams Otisfield ME
Taylor Adler Lewiston ME
Moses Allen East Boothbay ME
Jaime-Lyn Allie Lewiston ME
Melanie Alt Gray ME
Jessica Anderson Auburn ME
Cameron Arsenault La Follette TN
Isabelle Asselin Turner ME
Kaitlynn August Poland ME
Jennifer Bailey Coopers Mills ME
Stephany Bailey Canton ME
Candi Barrett Bryant Pond ME
Jade Baud South Paris ME
Amaya Bauer Wales ME
Deanna Bauer Wales ME
Eliza Bellegarde Monmouth ME
Peter Bellina Georgetown ME
Brandy Bernatchez Belgrade ME
Chantal Bernier Lewiston ME
Casie Blodgett Rumford ME
Elizabeth Bobrowski South Paris ME
Shawnessy Bodwell Winterport ME
Andrew Bouchard West Paris ME
Austin Bouchard Lewiston ME
Allison Brown Saco ME
Saydi Brown Lewiston ME
Sheena Burgess Auburn ME
Katherine Carnes Bucksport ME
Eric Cash Casco ME
Holly Catlett Lewiston ME
Chelsey Chapman Pittston ME
Ace Chaput Turner ME
Nathan Chase Gorham ME
Gracie Chasse Lisbon Falls ME
Meiling Chen Auburn ME
Maia Ciszkowski Farmington ME
Sarah Clark Auburn ME
Samantha Cochran Mexico ME
Ethan Colson Casco ME
Ashley Cooper Pownal ME
Zachary Corbett South Paris ME
Jackson Corey Lewiston ME
Icek Coulombe Auburn ME
Katerina Crowell Turner ME
Alexandra Cushing Readfield ME
Leeann Cushman Monmouth ME
Cadence Darling Turner ME
Anna De Castro Lewisburg PA
Brady Demers Freeport ME
Allison Dempsey Poland ME
Lucy DeRoche Auburn ME
Armand Deschene Norway ME
Ali Dihin Lewiston ME
Mariah Dill New Sharon ME
Eryn Dillingham Lewiston ME
Amanda Dion Livermore Falls ME
Andrew Donald Stockton Springs ME
Melissa Dorey Jay ME
Rianna Doyon Windham ME
Ben Duquette Lisbon ME
Gage Ellis Searsport ME
Kaylee Ellis Mechanic Falls ME
Nicholas Fess Minot ME
Sean Fitzpatrick Auburn ME
Rowan Fogg Auburn ME
Robin Ford Newcastle ME
Austin Fox Norway ME
Justice Fraser-Gagnon Lewiston ME
Andrea Frost Lewiston ME
Kaydence Gamblin Turner ME
Miguel Garcia Cruz Lewiston ME
Bry-Anna Garneau Sanford ME
Caden Garry Auburn ME
Daniel Geary North Yarmouth ME
Ruth Giard Auburn ME
Jennifer Googoo Harrison ME
Molly Gouette Auburn ME
Evan Gourley Readfield ME
Andrea Grant Lisbon Falls ME
Jared Grant Wales ME
Keira Greene East Baldwin ME
Courtney Grover Lewiston ME
Morgan Guerin Wilton ME
Helena Haines Monticello ME
Eli Hamilton West Paris ME
Nicholas Heath Auburn ME
Alexis Hendershot Wiscasset ME
Shawna Henry New Gloucester ME
Madeline Higson Lewiston ME
Rachel Hodgkins Greenwood ME
Paula Holm Lubec ME
Rachelle Holt Portland ME
Stephanie Hopkins Wilton ME
Stephen Howard Windham ME
Patrick Hunt Richmond ME
Isabella Iaria Lovell ME
Cazz Jobin Greenville ME
Ashley Johnson North Conway NH
Beth Johnson Livermore ME
Leah Jolicoeur Auburn ME
Tina Judd Lisbon ME
Aaron Kane Minot ME
Elizabeth Karkos North Monmouth ME
Wendy Karkos Turner ME
Beth Kennedy Jay ME
Ashirah Knapp Temple ME
Camren Knowles Manchester ME
Olivia Kolar Auburn ME
Kolby Krog Lisbon ME
Javier Labbe Caribou ME
Trey LaChance Lisbon Falls ME
Jillian Lacombe Lewiston ME
Cameron Landry Raymond ME
Grace Langley Littleton ME
Elizabeth Lapointe Livermore Falls ME
Allee LaRochelle Minot ME
Winnie LaRochelle Rangeley ME
Lauren Larrabee Durham ME
Brianna Lavoie Pittsfield ME
Kierstin Leclerc Greene ME
Ashley Lewis Chicopee MA
Melissa Lord Saint Albans ME
Sandra Lynde Waldoboro ME
Stephen Macisso Westbrook ME
Lori Main Bozrah CT
Melaina Maloney Lisbon ME
Fenica Marcos Lewiston ME
Siara Martin Lisbon ME
Victoria McCann Auburn ME
Brogan McCormick Turner ME
Neil McDaniel Livermore ME
Meghan McKellick Mechanic Falls ME
Shawni Merrill Pownal ME
Morgan Millett Randolph ME
Kristina Moberg Woodstock ME
Ahmed Mohamed Lewiston ME
Ladan Mohamed Lewiston ME
Vanessa Morgan Norway ME
Debra Morrison Rumford ME
Quinn Mumma Farmington ME
Nadia Napolitano North Yarmouth ME
Eric Nason Rumford ME
Brandon Newton Auburn ME
Alvin Nlandu Lewiston ME
Courtney Norton Wilton ME
Devan O’ Neil New Vineyard ME
Nima Obsieh Lewiston ME
Oriane Onanga Auburn ME
Jennifer Oneil Auburn ME
Aliyah Ouellette Guilford ME
Chantel Ouellette Auburn ME
Jaden Ouellette Auburn ME
Tyler Ouellette LEWISTON ME
Madison Paradis Winthrop ME
Althea Peacock Buckfield ME
Lauren Pepin Rumford ME
Lynn Perkins Wilton ME
Connor Pickett Sabattus ME
Geoffrey Pike Lewiston ME
Levi Plourde Lewiston ME
Cameron Pollock Manchester NH
Omar Pollock Lovell ME
Quinn Poulin Auburn ME
Rylee Prescott Windham ME
Duangporn Presti Richmond ME
Gabriel Quatticci New Gloucester ME
Stephanie Ray Lewiston ME
Layla Reed Minot ME
Marney Rees Glenelg North Australia
Noah Richard Jay ME
Heather Ridlon Mexico ME
Jonathan Rioux Litchfield ME
Aiden Robbins Buckfield ME
Molly Robbins Buckfield ME
Madison Robinson Livermore ME
Vitoria Rocha Gardiner ME
Mason Rogers Kensington NH
Katelyn Rollins Pittston ME
Tabitha Rollins Auburn ME
Katelyn Ross Standish ME
Sarah Rowe Denmark ME
Nicole Salvadori Windsor ME
Ashley Santin West Valley NY
Gabriela Sasse Windsor ME
Jayme Saulnier Danville ME
Alyssa Savage Bethel ME
Gloria Seaman Bath ME
Cherie Searles West Hartford CT
Sara Searles Dixfield ME
Nathaniel Shedd Stoneham ME
Brandi Shook Sebago ME
Rachael Shute Stow ME
Shawna Silke Bridgton ME
Kylee Skillings New Gloucester ME
Nicholas Smith Auburn ME
Ashlyn Sorel Kingfield ME
Cezarie St. Jean Lisbon Falls ME
Vanessa Steele West Gardiner ME
Abigail Steeves South Paris ME
Abbygayl Stevens Canton ME
Aspen Stevens Whitefield NH
Braedon Stinson Sabattus ME
Braden Suydam Wiscasset ME
Deborah Szczygiel Monmouth ME
Felicity Tardif Greene ME
Charlotte Thayer Portland ME
Abigail Therriault Peru ME
Alyssa Therriault Buckfield ME
Jasmyne Thornton Sabattus ME
Noah Tirado Auburn ME
Bruce Tomassetti Milton Twp ME
Ana Toussaint Rockport ME
Natalie Tracy Oakland ME
Kristin Trivilino Sanford ME
Charles Vadakin Pownal ME
Makenna Verrill Minot ME
Malicaiah Wadsworth Bryant Pond ME
Lauryn-Jaimie Walston Wilton ME
Hayle Warner Monmouth ME
Giovanni Warren Mechanic Falls ME
Marie West Norway ME
Jessica Whitaker Fryeburg ME
Isaac White Westbrook ME
Sunday White Westbrook ME
Hunter Wilbur Greene ME
Kathryne Wilcox Naples ME
Victoria Wile Gray ME
Elizabeth Wilkie Waldoboro ME
Breenah Williams North Berwick ME
Meredith Williams Waldoboro ME
Rebecca Winslow Turner ME
Samantha Withee Turner ME
Amanda Wood Auburn ME
Arcadia Wright Van Buren ME
Kaitlyn York Livermore ME
Nathan York Topsham ME


High Honors

Alyssa Adams Norway ME
Austin Adams Canton ME
Kayley Adams Otisfield ME
Natalie Adams Lewiston ME
Abdulkadir Aden Lewiston ME
Nasro Adow Lewiston ME
Najmo Ahmed Lewiston ME
Esosa Airuoyuwa Lewiston ME
Lindsey Allain Auburn ME
Samantha Allen South Portland ME
Scott Allen North Monmouth ME
Ava Anderson Mechanic Falls ME
Brett Andrews Norway ME
Leo Anketell Gray ME
Fatouma Assoweh Lewiston ME
Billi Jo Austin Casco ME
John Barbioni Livermore Falls ME
Ryan Barry Lewiston ME
Ester Bassa Lewiston ME
Zoe Bedford Melbourne Australia
Alia Bell Greene ME
Matthew Bell Turner ME
Michael Belleau Lewiston ME
Kasey Berube Litchfield ME
Arleigh Blanchette Minot ME
Lillian Botka Bethel ME
Jonathan Bouchard Buckfield ME
Logan Bouley New Canada ME
Brianna Bourgoin Sabattus ME
Austin Bousquet South Paris ME
Tristin Breakfield Lewiston ME
Madeleine Brochu Auburn ME
Luke Brown Wilton ME
Nicholas Brown-Walker Lewiston ME
Allison Bryant South Portland ME
Sam Bryant Auburn ME
Chelsea Buiniskas Lewiston ME
Gage Buiniskas Lewiston ME
David Burgos Dover Foxcroft ME
Andrea Butterfield Lewiston ME
Kaleb Butts Denmark ME
Anden Cabral Turner ME
Jaxen Call Newry ME
Tyler Carr Augusta ME
Madeline Caruso Auburn ME
Abigail Casper Greene ME
Mya Chadburn Auburn ME
Rocco Chang Auckland New Zealand
Robert Chapman Lewiston ME
Emma Chiasson Turner ME
Arnaldo Chissano Scarborough ME
Summer Chretien Livermore ME
Cordelia Christopher Mechanic Falls ME
Katie Cilley Chesterville ME
Davin Cloutier Mechanic Falls ME
Teagan Clukey Dover Foxcroft ME
Marianna Colby Bethel ME
Brosnan Comeau Monmouth ME
Nathan Corey Gorham ME
Paul Costales Minot ME
Emily Cotnoir Fayette ME
Chloe Craig Litchfield ME
Crystal Crawford North Anson ME
Victoria Crockett Farmington ME
Daniella Crone Litchfield ME
Broly Cross Naples ME
Lenere Cummings Poland ME
Maykayla Cunningham Auburn ME
Ben Cushman Poland ME
Kelson Custodio Westbrook ME
Angela D’Amours Lisbon Falls ME
Brian Daigle Jay ME
Amirah Daugherty West Ossipee NH
Caleb Davis Auburn ME
Erica Davis West Paris ME
Mikenzie Davis Gray ME
Jolien Defoort Harelbeke Belgium
Kyle Delano Sabattus ME
Dalton Delorme Greene ME
Gabriel Despradel Auburn ME
Emily Dillman Wales ME
Aiden Dow Parkman ME
McKenzie Drury Madison ME
Gage Ducharme Auburn ME
Brookelynn Dufour Winthrop ME
Andrew Dusablon Bangor ME
Henry Edmunds Conway NH
Brandon Emerson Bowdoin ME
Laura Escamilla Manrique Rockport ME
Mark Fairbanks Cumberland Center ME
Celia Falco Poland ME
Andrea Flaherty Livermore Falls ME
Aimee Footman Poland ME
Ashleigh Fortin Greene ME
Kelsey Fournier Turner ME
Caleb Frechette Waldoboro ME
Emily Fredette Gray ME
Aliah French Sabattus ME
Daphne French Perkins Twp ME
Hayden Gabranski West Bath ME
Maxwell Gagnon Lewiston ME
Nolan Gahagan Friendship ME
Emily Garnett Jefferson ME
Brittany Gauthier Bowdoin ME
Christian Gay Lewiston ME
Jenny Gleason Auburn ME
Kelly Gorbey Warren ME
Derek Gosselin Bath ME
Jonathan Gosselin Topsham ME
Ethan Gousse Lewiston ME
Noah Greene Brunswick ME
Olivia Ground Auburn ME
Nicholas Hale Leeds ME
Alyssa Hart Minot ME
Aiden Hartwell Windham ME
Alexander Hassell Grand Isle ME
Eliza Hazen Newry ME
Aiden Hebert Auburn ME
Tegan Hemond Minot ME
Christopher Hodgkin Lewiston ME
Amanda Holland Lyndonville NY
Emily Holmes Wilton ME
Mya Hoo Minnetonka MN
MD Hossain Leeds ME
Patrick Howe Buckfield ME
Benjamin Howell Lewiston ME
Amanda Hubbell Auburn ME
Garrett Hunt Jay ME
Gwynne Hunter Auburn ME
Michael Huntington Litchfield ME
Alex Huntley South China ME
Cora Huot Durham ME
Ahmed Hussein Lewiston ME
Cheyenne Hutchins Bath ME
Ivy Hutchinson New Vineyard ME
Olivia Hutchinson Windsor ME
Tamara Irakoze Lewiston ME
Alexis Jasper Hartford ME
Jaden Johnson Hebron ME
Kaleb Johnson New Gloucester ME
Sydney Johnson Gray ME
Benjamin Johnston Dresden ME
Curtis Kaplinger Lewiston ME
Amy Keene Wilton ME
Alana Keith Auburn ME
Jessica Kelley Biddeford ME
Mya Kelsea Auburn ME
Nabiha Khan Lewiston ME
Rebecca Knoblach APO AE
Emma Knowles Manchester ME
Rachel Koeck Worcester MA
Samantha Krause Lewiston ME
Alexis Labbe Mechanic Falls ME
Gaige Lachapelle Lewiston ME
Koby Lafata Wales ME
Hunter Lamarre West Gardiner ME
Sarah Lane Augusta ME
Jamie Lavallee Magalloway Plantation ME
Griffin Lawson Framingham MA
Sean Lebida Bowdoin ME
Breanna LeClair Lewiston ME
Travis Lemay Lewiston ME
Kevin Lerette Lisbon ME
Lyric Levasseur Mechanic Falls ME
Logan Levesque Greene ME
Emily Libby Minot ME
Drew Litalien Turner ME
Zulma Lizarazo South Portland ME
Sydney London Raymond ME
Amber Lynch Johnstown PA
Isabella Mahr Bridgton ME
Grace Malo Hebron ME
Caleb March Huntsville AL
Destin Marston North Monmouth ME
Katanyna Marston Lisbon ME
Catherine Mathews Gray ME
Bradley Matthews Auburn ME
Reese McAtee Lisbon ME
Hunter Mccausland Lisbon Falls ME
Keegan McGough South Paris ME
Alan McGowen Wayne ME
Allison McLaughlin Waterville ME
Abigail Medina Lewiston ME
Madalyn Mercer Nobleboro ME
Malyun Mohamed Lewiston ME
Mohamed Mohamed Lewiston ME
Gabriel Mohla Fryeburg ME
Brayden Morneau Lisbon Falls ME
Ryan Morton Naples ME
Erik Nelson Topsham ME
Hilaire Niyongabo Lewiston ME
Tanner Nolin Turner ME
Chelsea Noyes Peru ME
Byiringiro Nsenga Lewiston ME
Sarah Ntumba Auburn ME
Courtney O’Connell Lewiston ME
Savannah Ouellette Auburn ME
Younoussa Ousmane Auburn ME
Claudine Palmer Lisbon ME
Nathan Paquette New Gloucester ME
Olivia Parke Denmark ME
Tristan Parker Bowdoin ME
Erin Parks Gorham ME
Cody Pepin Gray ME
Chloe Perkins South Paris ME
Nolan Perkins Turner ME
Madison Pond Naples ME
Carolyn Potter Edgecomb ME
John Pulas Auburn ME
Emma Pulkkinen Mechanic Falls ME
Kalli Pulkkinen Norway ME
Emily Quinnell Auburn ME
Kathryn Reagan Topsham ME
Kaylee Reid Standish ME
Skylar Richard Jay ME
Nattina Richardson Auburn ME
Catherina Robinson Waldoboro ME
Joshua Ross Sebago ME
Kimberly Roy Lisbon ME
Lauren Ruby Harrison ME
Jazmin Ryder Livermore ME
Mahdi Saidi Auburn ME
Ryker Samson Chesterville ME
Trinity Sands Poland ME
Alaine Santin Lewiston ME
Elise Schultz Windham ME
Olivia Scott Quispamsis Canada
Andrew Severson Rockland ME
Theresa Shaw Turner ME
Lindsay Shute Stow ME
Jenna Silver Norway ME
Jeremiah Simeon Norwalk CT
Landon Sinford Gray ME
Mya Sirois North Monmouth ME
Emelda Smalley Jay ME
Amy Grace Smith Waldoboro ME
Travin Smith Gray ME
Kena Souza Winthrop ME
Blake Springer Greene ME
Jennifer St. Pierre Durham ME
Morgan Stevens Nashua NH
Robert Stolt Augusta ME
Erin Teague Livermore ME
Courtney Therrien Mexico ME
Michael Trumbull Fryeburg ME
Paige Tucker Woonsocket RI
Madison Turcotte Buckfield ME
Margaret Tyce Augusta ME
Cameron Tyler Gardiner ME
Brody Walsh Chesterville ME
David Ward New Gloucester ME
Kylie Ward-Fortier Hebron ME
Noah Warszawski Lewiston ME
Diane Webster Hebron ME
Katey Wheeler Randolph ME
Allen White Woodstock ME
Jaden Whitney South Paris ME
Jessica Widner Lewiston ME
Colin Wilson Norfolk CT
Marena Wilson Dover NH
Kendra Winson Carthage ME
Emma Wright Van Buren ME
Kassidy Wyman Livermore ME
Isaac Young Mechanic Falls ME



AnNisa Abdi Lewiston ME
Nasra Abdirahman Auburn ME
Gamano Adan Lewiston ME
Halimo Ahmed Lewiston ME
Rehema Akiriza Lewiston ME
Hunter Alderson Belfast ME
Abdifatah Ali Auburn ME
Fatimaelzahraa Ali Gorham ME
Khadija Ali Lewiston ME
Ngalula Arieth Lewiston ME
Spencer Bahai North Berwick ME
Madison Baker Hermon ME
Jaden Banks Turner ME
Zachary Barry Lisbon Falls ME
Taylor Basque Auburn ME
Paige Battles Center Conway NH
Harmony Bawza South Paris ME
Alex Beal Bowdoin ME
Damon Beal Beals ME
Megan Belanger Lisbon ME
Heather Bell Norway ME
Jacob Benoit Brunswick ME
Minnie Beth Richmond ME
Elijah Bigelow Lewiston ME
Jackson Birmingham Cooroibah Australia
Aidan Blanchette Poland ME
Kylie Boardman West Gardiner ME
Ashley Bodlovick-Ring Windham ME
Abigail Bouchard Brunswick ME
Abram Bouchard New Gloucester ME
Jamison Bragdon Augusta ME
Haley Brant Raymond ME
Aiden Breau Winthrop ME
Katlyn Bressler Auburn ME
Emily Brewer Lisbon Falls ME
Cheyanne Bubier Wilton ME
Shye Buck Lewiston ME
Oscar Burgos Fall River MA
Samuel Burnham Lewiston ME
Oniyah Burns Lewiston ME
Boston Caldwell Auckland New Zealand
Amanda Cameron West Gardiner ME
Timothy Campbell Lewiston ME
Camron Carpenter Augusta ME
Seth Carter Gray ME
Teeana Caton South Paris ME
Shaun Ceruolo Peabody MA
Julia Cherkis Oxford ME
Jacob Childs Raymond ME
Tera Choquette Buxton ME
Hayden Christner Poland ME
Samuel Cliffe Woolwich ME
Hannah Conant Auburn ME
Patrick Conlin Edgecomb ME
Jocelyn Coons Lewiston ME
Savannah Corliss Livermore Falls ME
Keith Couture Farmington ME
Sebastian Couturier South Portland ME
Erin Cowie Auburn ME
Jenessa Cox Warren ME
Joshua Cox Phillips ME
Karly Cronce South Paris ME
Caitlin Cunliffe Minot ME
Parker Curry Gorham ME
Emily Curtis Brunswick ME
Connie Cushman Monmouth ME
Ruby Cyr Buckfield ME
Gage Davis Greene ME
Hunter Davis Augusta ME
Khloe Dean Chesterville ME
Russell Demers Waldoboro ME
Amber Dennison Otisfield ME
Hailey Deschenes Poland ME
Kamran Dettling Bridgton ME
Eva Deveau Lisbon Falls ME
Abdoulkader Djama Lewiston ME
Imrhane Leo Djonouma Auburn ME
Jessica Dobson Buckfield ME
Shelby Doody Waterville ME
Skye-Marie Dunham Oxford ME
Casey Dunzik Standish ME
Cameron Durgin Sumner ME
Brianna Dyer Lewiston ME
Rachel Dymkoski Lewiston ME
Brody Edwards Harrison ME
Meagan Emery Winslow ME
Gizela Ernesto Lewiston ME
Monica Fecteau Hebron ME
Justin Ferguson Augusta ME
Rachel Filuminia Waterford ME
Imna Flores-Rodriguez Lewiston ME
Michael Foster Auburn ME
Naomi Francis West Paris ME
Jane Gagnon Auburn ME
Miah Gallan South Paris ME
Nshimiye Gasuminari Lewiston ME
Ava Geoffroy Lewiston ME
Coburn Getty Leeds ME
Chloe Gordon Oxford ME
Kassydi Gotham Swanville ME
Maxwell Gould Richmond ME
Ian Grant Arundel ME
Marvin Gray Farmington ME
Shannon Gray Livermore ME
Ariana Green Winthrop ME
Thomas Green Naples ME
Abbie Haas Norway ME
Parker Hackett Mechanic Falls ME
Emmett Hand South Paris ME
Austin Hannan Gray ME
Andrew Hansen South China ME
Alexis Harlow Poland ME
Grady Hart East Poland ME
Rudolf Hassapelis Windham ME
Cameron Henderson Hampden ME
Jacob Higgs Lewiston ME
Kenny Hilligoss South Paris ME
Dustyn Hinkley Jay ME
Nicholas Hobson Buxton ME
Kevin Hodde Caribou ME
Angela Howell Durham ME
Christina Howze Minot ME
Matthew Hunnewell New Gloucester ME
Yasmin Hussein Lewiston ME
Kelley Hutchins Chesterville ME
Joshua Ireland Salem Twp ME
Hani Issack Auburn ME
Cody Ivey Winslow ME
Kaltuma Jibril Auburn ME
Tarik Jihad Auburn ME
Ashley Johnson Beverly MA
Kylie Johnson New Gloucester ME
Rosalie Jones Casco ME
Sheebah Katende Auburn ME
Joan Lagasse Monmouth ME
Brandon Laliberte Auburn ME
Kelly Lane Winthrop ME
Skyla Lapointe Poland ME
Ella Lavigne Fort Collins CO
Kaylee LaVoie Lewiston ME
Abigail Lazarou Lewiston ME
Dustin Leblanc Dixfield ME
Angelina Leonard Manchester NH
Isabelle Letourneau Scarborough ME
Nicholas Levesque Sabattus ME
Ashley Littlefield Windham ME
Constance Look Wiscasset ME
Evan Lowell Farmington ME
Ian MacDonald Monmouth ME
Cassidy MacIsaac Oxford ME
Ayden MacWhinnie Westbrook ME
Abbas Mahdi Lewiston ME
Sadal Mahdi Lewiston ME
Chase Mailhot Lisbon ME
Tina Maloney Livermore ME
Raoul Marston-Connell South Paris ME
Daniel May Auburn ME
Jack Mazziotti Windham ME
Calley McCourt Jay ME
Reilly McDonald Lewiston ME
Mikenzie Melendez Saco ME
Jake Mellen Leeds ME
Corbin Merkt Fall River MA
Ryan Messina Auburn ME
Marjorie Millett Norway ME
Brandon Mitchell Fayette ME
Preston Mitchell Poland ME
Julie Mooney Sabattus ME
Amanda Mosher Calais ME
Tyler Muise Parsonsfield ME
Samuel Munkacsi Gorham ME
Agnes Mwambo Lewiston ME
Sawyer Nareff Norway ME
Zachary New Rumford ME
Precious Nnadi Lewiston ME
Nanahemaa Ntim-Barimah Greene ME
Michael Osgood Sebago ME
Amanda Ouellette Lewiston ME
Rebecca Palmer New Haven WV
Luke Paradis Winthrop ME
Abygail Petrin Lewiston ME
Meagen Pinette Waterboro ME
Ava Plourde Portland ME
Matthew Poirier Gardiner ME
Autumn Pomerleau Minot ME
Freedom Potter Casco ME
Andrew Poulin Lewiston ME
Alexander Pratt Lewiston ME
Bethany Pratt Leeds ME
Noah Pratt Hebron ME
Logan Preble Lisbon ME
Brittany Rancourt Jackman ME
Marah Rand Farmingdale ME
Ashley Richardson Oxford ME
Lee Robertson Port joli Canada
Christian Rodriguez Auburn ME
Jonathan Rosa Livermore Falls ME
Allison Ryker Auburn ME
Emily Sanfacon Lebanon ME
Mark Schepici Charlestown MA
Eve Schultz Windham ME
Cooper Scott Litchfield ME
Alison Skrzypek Biddeford ME
Kira Snavely Norway ME
Parker Springer Greene ME
Brianna Stanley Hebron ME
Robin Staples Livermore ME
Simone Stewart Lewiston ME
Ashley Taylor Hartford ME
Grace Taylor Lewiston ME
Zeneit Teklu Lewiston ME
Ashton Thiboutot Brunswick ME
Alexander Tirrell Leeds ME
Madison Travers Turner ME
Ruth Tumba Lewiston ME
Joanna Turner Litchfield ME
Jennifer Unger Farmington MO
Madison Vigeant Unity ME
Sophia Visconti Turner ME
Corey Wallace Auburn ME
Trevor Ward Harrison ME
Cristin Warner Dexter ME
Abigail Warren Turner ME
Courtney Werzanski Wilton ME
Hannah Whittemore New Sharon ME
Emily Williams Augusta ME
Krista Wilson Farmington ME
Gunnar Winslow Auburn ME
Heather-Lyn Worth Leeds ME
Craig Yates Minot ME
Samuel Young Topsham ME
Colin Zielinski Lewiston ME