Policies & Procedures

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Central Maine Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, including gender identity or expression, disability, age, genetic information or marital, parental or veteran’s status in its programs and activities.

Inquiries about the College’s compliance with, and policies that prohibit discrimination on, these bases may be directed to any or all of the following:

Human Resources
Lapoint Center, CMCC
1250 Turner Street, Auburn, ME 04210
Telephone: 207-755-5396 or (800) 891-2002
Maine Relay Service: 800-457-1220
Fax: 207-755-5491
E-mail: cmcchr@mainecc.edu
Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC)
51 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0051
Telephone: 207-624-6050
TTY/TDD: 207-624-6064
Fax: 207-624-6063
United States Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
33 Arch Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: 617-289-0111
TTY/TDD: 617-289-0063
Fax: 617-289-0150
E-mail: OCR.Boston@ed.gov
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
475 Government Center
Boston, MA 02203
Telephone: 617-565-3200, 1-800-669-4000
TTY: 617-565-3204, 1-800-669-6820
Fax: 617-565-3196

Title IX Policies and Information

CMCC provides intentional programs and campaigns intended to prevent or end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Training programs for all new students consist of prevention engagement during New Student Orientation and includes definitions of terms, prevention strategies, and victim resources both on and off campus. New employees are required to complete online training on sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

Title IX Contact

Nicholas Hamel
Vice President, Dean of Student Services and Title IX Coordinator
1250 Turner Street
Auburn, ME 04210

Sexual Harassment and Title IX Policies and Procedures

MCCS Policy 202: Sexual Harassment
MCCS Procedure 201.1/202.1: College Procedure for Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Affirmative Action Complaints 
MCCS Procedure 202.2: Title IX Sexual Harassment Procedure

Title IX Training and Info

MCCS Title IX Training for TIX Coordinators and Investigators
MCCS Title IX Coordinator Training
MCCS Title IX Investigator Training
MCCS Title IX Appeal Decision Maker Training
MCCS Title IX Informal Resolution Facilitator Procedures Training
MCCS Title IX Decision Maker Training
Thompson Coburn LLP Title IX Training Videos
SUNY Joint Guidance on Federal Title IX Regulations
Live Hearing Rules Revised
Sexual Harassment Intake Form
Title IX Procedure Tracking
MCCS Title IX Confidential Investigation Report Template

Additional Policies and Procedures

CMCC College Catalog

COVID Return to Campus Plan August 2020
CMCC Affirmative Action Plan
CMCC Student Handbook
Copyright Guidelines – HEOA Compliance
Disability Services
Family Rights and Privacy Act
Make Your Move Brochure
MCCS Policy 201: Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
MCCS Policy 501: Student Code of Conduct
MCCS Policy 504: Special Conditions of Admission, Enrollment and Participation

Student Complaint and Appeal Procedures
Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

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