Health and Counseling
Central Maine Community College is in close proximity to two major hospitals and other walk-in/urgent care clinics. Residence hall students who need healthcare services are encouraged to carry health insurance coverage.
Personal Counseling
Personal counseling is available to students on our campus multiple days a week through an arrangement with a local healthcare provider. Personal issues and concerns will be discussed in complete confidentiality. Please contact Student Services for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Department heads, faculty, and Student Services personnel offer academic counseling. The dean of academic affairs is also available to assist students with academic issues. The dean of students is available to discuss issues with services and with your rights and responsibilities as a student.
Healthy Androscoggin
In addition to the various allied health programs hosting health information and wellness clinics, Central Maine Community College partners with Healthy Androscoggin to promote a balanced health perspective. Resident hall students must stop by the Student Services office in Jalbert Hall to complete a healthcare referral form and have an appointment made with the clinic.