Tobacco-Free Campus

Welcome to our Tobacco-Free Campus

On July 1, 2014 Central Maine Community College adopted a tobacco-free campus policy.

The use of tobacco products or any object or device intended to simulate that use, including e-cigarettes, is strictly prohibited on campus. The sale, distribution or advertisement of tobacco products is prohibited.

This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors and visitors. The use of tobacco and all smoking products is not permitted on any college property, including but not limited to buildings, campus grounds, parking areas, campus walkways, recreational facilities, and college-owned vehicles.

Tobacco use includes the possession of any lighted tobacco products, or the use of any type of smokeless tobacco, including but not limited to chew, snuff, electronic cigarettes, and all other nicotine delivery devices that are non-FDA approved as cessation products.


Maine Tobacco HelpLine

Ready to quit? Call the Maine Tobacco HelpLine at 1-800-207-1230

The Quit Link

The Maine community of online support to quit smoking

Quit Smoking | Quit Vaping |The QuitLink

Other Helpful Resources

Healthy Androscoggin
Tobacco — Healthy Androscoggin

Partnership for a Tobacco-Free Maine
Reduce Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug & Substance Use | Prevention for ME

American Cancer Society
Stay Away from Tobacco | American Cancer Society

How to Quit (Centers for Disease Control)
How to Quit Smoking | Smoking and Tobacco Use | CDC

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